The result analysis is a collection of features offered by the Questionbang app to assess and monitor learning.
Overview ~ Net score, activities, insights,
Performance analysis ~ Comparative performance,
Overall standing ~ Relative standing, overall performance, rank forecast.
Above measure and track key performance metrics, viz., score, speed, relative standings, and activities.
Note that an overall result analysis is not real-time but an hourly update.
However, performance analysis is instant and done every time a user completes a mock test session.

The overview tab sums up your overall performance through the Questionbang app:
Net score:
It is an average percentage of scores of all completed mock test sessions. That is the sum of scores of every attempted mock test computed as a percentage of the sum of their maximum marks.
The best score is the system-wide highest score (ever) achieved by any user.
Activities & insights:
The Questionbang app constantly monitors the features visited or used by the users. There are 10 – 12 key features – mock exams, library, discussions, etc., to name a few. The activities are assigned a score depending upon how often the features have been used. A higher feature usage score indicates good user participation in the learning.
You can find more details about this feature from the following link - Questionbang App Insights

Performance analysis
Performance analysis allows the Questionbang app users to compare the score and speed of different mock test sessions. The feature is available only for the mock-sets offering more than one model paper.
You can find more details from the following link - Performance analysis.

My chances
You can find how other users have been performing in the chosen category. Based on your net score, your standing may fall into one of the 3 score ranges -
below 50%,
50% - 70%, or
above 70%.
The number of other users in your net score can be a measure of the competition in the offering.
The rank will depend on your score & the score of other users, even those who attempted mock tests after you. So this changes regularly.
Rank forecasts are not done (or not revealed) in most categories.
The performance assessment - poor, average, or good is based on your best score.

The recommendations are based on how you have been performing with mock tests, also, how you have been using other app features like lessons or books.
An ideal scenario would be, the app stop making recommendations - that is when you achieve key performance indicators, e.g., a net score above 70%.