Score share - Insight in to relative strength or weakness

Score share – Insight into relative strength or weakness

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If you are a Bank Preparatory app user, you may be watching your score share regularly. This feature comes under My chances, and is a part of Result analysis feature. All of Questionbang apps, viz., Bank Preparatory, JEE 360 and NEET Weekly offer this feature.

The score share feature is about relative strength or weakness in any topic of your study.

Overall Stats

Let me assume, you are already using one of our apps that offers My chancesYou can find overall stats table in My results screen. This, a cumulative results table,  keeps a record of your past results, viz.,

> Total number of quizzes attempted,

> Total number of quizzes made available for contest,

> Sum of scores and max marks.

The feature has been only this much in CET Social app. But other apps  – Bank Preparatory, JEE 360 and NEET Weekly have a pie chart representation in addition to cumulative results table.

Quizzes Attempted Total Score
Reasoning 17 20 72.50/100
Aptitude 20 20 75.00/100
English 20 20 97.50/100
Computers 10 20 37.50/100
Banking 05 20 12.50/100

Score share

Let me take you through a hypothetical example to explain cumulative stat and score share. The table above shows overall stat of  a user who attempted Bank Preparatory app for 4 weeks.

As you can see, the user has attempted all quizzes from Aptitude and English, only 5 out of 20 quizzes from Banking. Below is  a score share representation of above data using pie chart.


Score share pie chart
Score share pie chart

Maximum score share of each topic is 20%.  The scores are graded from  poor to excellent, as shown below:

Score Range Grade
Less than 8% Poor
8% – 12% Average
12% – 19% Good
19% and above Excellent


You can also find more  details from Questionbang site – score share online doc.

Let us map the example user’s score with Bank Preparatory performance grading.

Topics Percentage Grade
Reasoning 14.50% Good
Aptitude 15.00% Good
English 19.50% Excellent
Computers 07.50% Poor
Banking 02.50% Poor

The user is doing very good in Aptitude and English, but the performance in Banking and Computers is poor. The user’s aggregate score is 59%, which is very good and may be enough to qualify a bank exam. However, the scores in  Banking & Computers may not  meet the cut off criteria, hence he may not qualify the exam.

The score share feature is clearly showing strong and weak areas of study. This should guide any user  to achieve a well balanced score in future attempts.