Vectors and three dimensional geometry

Introduction to vectors and scalars
Vector representations example
Recognizing vectors
Equivalent vectors examples
Example finding components of a vector
Example comparing x components of vectors
Understanding multiplying vectors by scalars
Examples from understanding scalar multiplication exercise
Example calcuating magnitude of vector from graph
Finding vector magnitude from components
Vector magnitude from initial and terminal points
Adding and subtracting vectors
Visually adding and subtracting vectors
Subtracting vectors exercise example
Adding vectors
Combined vector operations example
Unit vector intro
Intro unit vector notation
Scaling unit vector
Angles of vectors from components
More examples finding vector angles
Mag dir vec sums
Mag dir vec sums 2
Mag vec sums
Vector components from magnitude and direction
Vector component in direction
Adding three vectors
Adding displacement vectors
Understanding multiplying vectors by scalars
Examples from understanding scalar multiplication exercise
Vector dot product and vector length
Proving vector dot product properties
Proof of the cauchy schwarz inequality
Linear algebra vector triangle inequality
Linear algebra cross product introduction
Proof relationship between cross product and sin of angle
Dot and cross product comparison intuition
Vector triple product expansion very optional
Combined vector operations example
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