Category: JEE
Predicting JEE cut-off

Predicting JEE cut-off

  The cut-off is a popular word during the admission season, especially in India. For us at Questionbang, the cut-off is something often asked by mock-set-plus users – Has my score is good enough to qualify Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)? Hence, we decided to predict the…

Walking through mock-set-plus

Walking through mock-set-plus

The mock-set-plus is an online application hosting various mock exams. Normally, users register to the site to get a hands-on practice of exams, maybe they start with a free test to understand the process. Since the mock-set-plus user interface is self explanatory,   users as such may…

questionbang - best practices

Questionbang – best practices

  Making best use of free Questionbang apps and mock-set-plus Introduction

Recently some of our app users were asking whether the Questionbang apps are free. Yes, Questionbang apps are more or less free for  majority of  features. One can attempt weekly quizzes and review answers without making…

Battle of Exams

Battle of Exams

“The toughest battle you’ll ever fight in your life is the battle within yourself.” – Anonymous

An exam toughness is subjective, it may be difficult to quantify. Any opinion based on past feedback may not be valid for future exams. We try to compare three popular exams…

Overall Result Analysis - digging deeper in to mock-set-plus result analysis

Overall Result Analysis – digging deeper into mock-set-plus result analysis

Imagine, you have been using one of Questionbang apps for several weeks, and also mock-set-plus. You want to have a consolidated performance report card, e.g., comparison of your best  weekly score and best mock-set-plus score, or your overall performance compared with other users. An overall result analysis does just that. It is about summing up…

Touch-ups - NEET|JEE

Touch-ups – NEET|JEE

Brand new mock exams for NEET and JEE 2018 aspirants  – Touch-ups and more, check them all